Backyard Gardening

My husband and I try our hardest to feed our children and ourselves the healthiest foods available. This often comes with a high price. Choosing organic and natural foods definitely comes with a higher price, but we believe paying the higher prices now will save us money in the long run. By choosing to eat better we are healthier and require less medicines and doctor visits.

The space between the wooden stakes will be our garden.

We spend the bulk of our grocery budget on fresh, or freshly frozen, fruits and vegetables. This year we are hoping to cut some of those costs by planting and growing our own produce. We just moved into this house last November and have a good space in the backyard for a nice sized garden. We'll actually have three spaces for growing. One large space for the bulk of our vegetables like zucchini, yellow squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, green beans, potatoes, carrots, spinach and peppers, another smaller space for various herbs, and a separate space for corn and sunflowers, and whatever else we can think of. Our neighbor asked us to plant corn on the far side of our yard because she is afraid it will attract raccoons to her Koi pond.

I am hoping to get our plants started inside this week some time. This should give us enough time to get the ground tilled and fertilized. The weather has not been very cooperative as of late, but that should be changing in the next couple of weeks. I am very excited to be able to get outside and get started on my garden!

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