It is only March and I have already seen (and felt) those pesky little blood sucking insects. Mosquitoes. I personally don't usually have too many issues with them. I guess they don't like the way I taste, being bitter and all, hehe. My husband and kids, on the other hand, seem to be a mosquito's favorite treat.
In the past we have always purchased various bug repellents in chemical form. That is not an option for us this year. We are avoiding as many harmful chemicals as we possibly can. So, since sprays and lotions are out. I have been researching some natural mosquito repellents.
Marigold: I already knew about this one and had already planned to plants lots and lots of marigold around the yard. So far I have 16 flowers in the small flower bed in the front yard and have planted lots of seeds in the same flower bed and on the side yard where we will not be cutting grass. This is the same area where our picnic table will be so I am really hoping it helps. Apparently marigold also wards off deer, so we may be planting them around our vegetable garden too.
Catnip: I had no idea. Some people swear by it, saying that just picking some catnip and rubbing the plant on their skin and clothing keeps the pests away. I bought catnip seeds yesterday. I read that it is an invasive plant, meaning it will take over and area so I am thinking that growing it in a container that can be moved around from area to area will be a god idea. I'll do the same with mint.
Mint: I already purchased mint seeds, but not for their repellent benefits. I planned to grow mint for teas and cooking. I just learned that mint is great at warding off mosquitoes. Wonderful! Double duty plants, hooray! Mint will be grown in a large container because it spreads and is hard to contain otherwise, this also gives us the option to move the mint plants to whatever section of the yard we are in.
Citronella: I have been unable to find citronella plants locally, but then again, it is only March. I will continue to look. I do know that my local farmer's market sells citronella essential oil. I am sure I can come up with a recipe for a spray or salve of some sort using that. I'll keep you posted.
Rosemary: Lucky for me there was already a very lovely rosemary plant in my backyard when I moved in. That plant is the center and focal point of my herb garden to-be. I already make a tea from the shrub and use it for cleaning since it has a wonderful scent and antibacterial properties.
Lemongrass: Another beautiful plant in flower beds and gardens. I am still searching for this one and hope to make it a part of my herb garden and flower beds.
This is what I have found so far and I think that with all of these herbs and flowers combined I will have a good advantage on winning my war on mosquitoes this summer. What are your plans for keeping the flying vampires at bay? I'd love to hear from you!
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Naturally Repel Mosquitos
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