Regrow Green Onions

I hate wasting fresh produce.  Well, I never really waste it as it always goes to the worms anyway, but I still hate throwing it out.  Did you know you can regrow your green onions and have them available for quite a long time?  Mine have been going strong for three weeks now.  They also add a bit of greenery to my kitchen, which is always nice.

The next time you buy and use green onions put the bulbs in a glass or vase with a bit of water.  Snip off what you need as you need it and watch more grow! Just change out the water periodically.  Apparently you can regrow celery too.  I've yet to try that but will post results as soon as I do.

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thatedeguy said...

This is a great idea! Going to have to try it the next time we get some green onions.

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